Saturday 26 September 2015

Aberdare Park 2015

A bit behind with updating my blog so here goes . . . starting with Aberdare Park 2015.
As usual the weather threatened to disrupt proceedings. After raining all day on the Friday it finally abated at about 4 in the morning. As I'd kindly been offered a pitch free of charge it would have been a shame not to take up the opportunity and thankfully the sun began to shine and continued to do so all day long on the Saturday.
I didn't get to see much of the racing, which was up to its usual frantic standard, as I tried to get some good photos and what with manning the stand along with my mate Julian and chatting to race-goers.
John McGuinness put in an appearance not far from us but we were stuck in the middle of the trade area and I think our position didn't help in attracting visitors or custom. (Note for next year if I do it again again . . . get a pitch on the outside, preferably in the top row.)
Sunday was a complete washout - although the racing still went ahead and people did turn up to watch. At the same time the Big Cheese festival in Caerphilly was going on and a mate who had a stand there took it down and was home by 10am. Needless to say, we didn't do Sunday!

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